Why Choose ChaseAssociates, CPA, P.A.?

Credentials, Professional, Experience, Clean and current financial statements for a more efficient year-end experience with your tax practitioner.

It’s been said that accounting is the language of business. There’s no doubt that accounting is a key component to the success of a business. Let us crunch the numbers!

Whether a start-up needing expert guidance or an established enterprise requiring seasoned and experienced professionals, your business and outsider(s) rely on accurate and insightful financial information in order to maintain profitability and capitalize on new opportunities. ChaseAssociates, CPA, P.A.’s accounting services steer you closer to these goals with accurate record-keeping and reporting as well as support on financial issues such as initial accounting system setup, cost-containment, tax planning, investments, and employee benefit and profit-sharing plans.

These services include but are not limited to:

General ledger and financial statement preparation
Bookkeeping (Monthly, quarterly, or annual)
Accounting system setup and support
Payroll processing
Cash flow budgeting and forecasting
Personal financial statements
Employee benefit and profit-sharing plans
Corporate tax planning and return preparation
Litigation support

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